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teddy  wannabe indiana jones | current boston university nobody | former uc berkeley ΤΚΕ somebody
1492 posts 1094 followers 982 following

breakfast in lima, thank you for heading on this incredible journey with me #onedayfarawayfromnow

73      12

i've loved you since the first day i met you almost 8 years ago @chickenlittle. you said yes so you can't take it back, it's instagram official #onedayfarawayfromnow

295      71

yeah that's a no for me #incabridge

67      27

charlie begged me to leave the shirt at the hotel. i said no, let me live my patterned life and be a hipster indiana jones.

83      15

the sun finally decided to come out for some sweet views

60      10

lost city of machu picchu

99      24

making dreams come true with @chickenlittle #wemadeit

72      13

the stairway to heaven

58      12

49      16

not a bad view to have on the hike to machu picchu

62      17

roughly translates to: this way to making your dreams come true

43      9

somewhere along the inca trail

53      11