Baby I got the proof from Mel. What do you think?
Is it too late to back out? Can't we just go to City Hall?
I'm kidding, it looks great. Tell her I said thanks
I hereby declare tonight as date night, what are we doing?
Dinner and the nun? Maybe some exploring??
Wait, I have a better idea. on a scale of 1-10, how much do you trust me?
Do you wanna see how far I can get us? Like..maybe... Disneyland?
How’s your back feeling? How many snacks should we pack? Let’s go!
I mean my back has been better than it has in months. I feel like we can do this and not kill either of us. Just pack a bag full of snacks, if it can't be carried on your back, we don't need it.
Done! Just some snacks to keep your energy up, my phone, and my wallet.
Let’s be real, the snacks are definitely to make sure I don’t crash once I get us there. But also fuck yeah ghost galaxy space mountain.
Your blood sugar levels are gonna plummet, going as fast as you can, so yeah. Definitely so you don't crash. FUCK YEAH SPACE MOUNTAIN